10 Reasons to peer: 3. Peering lowers latency

In this third article in our “reasons to peer” series, we look at how peering lowers latency.

The shorter the trip, the better the latency

Latency is the delay between a user’s action and the response to that action from a website or an application – in networking terms the total time it takes for a data packet to make a round-trip. It is measured in milliseconds, and Internet quality depends on it. For example, for a website, even a 2-second delay in the loading time is sufficient to increase the bounce rate more than 100%!

Peering paths outperform transit paths for 91% of Autonomous Systems (ASs), meaning that peering offers the shortest path for data to travel, and therefore better latency.

Control your traffic streams

Peering gives you the control over where your network exchanges traffic with other important networks. You control where to handover the traffic (which city/which Internet Exchange) and you have control over your backhaul and the peering port usage. As the other network also has this control, together with your peering partner, you have a controlled end-to-end handling of your valuable traffic streams.

Catch-up with the first two articles in the series:

1. Peering Raises Your Revenue

2. Peering lowers your costs

The Digital Triangle for Edge Interconnection

Digital is reshaping how business is done. We are at the cusp of a completely new age in global economics, with enterprises, regardless of size and heritage, redefining their activities and their sectors based on digitalization. Organizations are leveraging their digital strength to reshape their own business models and how business is done within and across entire sectors, including automotive/mobility, healthcare, finance, and media.

As they become digital, organizations are needing a new interconnection service regime customized for their needs. New and transformative technologies, like IoT, artificial intelligence, and 5G, are accelerating the pace of change in markets around the globe. These disruptive elements will serve as a “digital interconnection triangle” of future innovation, in turn creating still further interconnection needs at the edge.

The heart, hand, and brain of future innovation

Interconnection at the edge requires a new way of handling data streams, and a new way of interconnecting players within an ecosystem. The key factors that influence edge interconnection (if you will, the heart, the hand, and the brain of future innovation) are:

5G (the heart):

5G enables the management of a lot of different frequencies, and also enables the transmission of multiple data streams. Designed primarily for maintaining data from a huge number of sensors, 5G represents the foundation for the future evolution of the Internet of Things.

IoT (the hand):

IoT represents function in the digital interconnection triangle. In a 5G-enabled environment, it will be possible to connect an enormous number of devices within a physically limited space. This will open the way to digitalizing more and more currently purely mechanical processes. But managing the enormous number of sensors and data streams that will result in the Internet of Things in the future will not be possible without the support of artificial intelligence.

AI (the brain):

AI is essential in this mix in order to create the logic management and maintenance of data streams for innovative use cases and the respective ecosystem involved in the specific environment. This is the only way that the interconnection of millions of sensors in the Internet of Things can be managed efficiently. The solution is intelligently managed software-defined edge interconnection.

Each of these factors is dependent on the other two, and it is only when they are interconnected that they can drive digital evolution. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

Unlocking new use cases with edge interconnection

Use cases that reflect this digital interconnection triangle will be many and various, but current scenarios include connected cars and autonomous vehicles on the one hand, and Agriculture 4.0 on the other. In both of these use cases, there is the need for widescale deployment of 5G masts, including edge computing capabilities (edge data centers), and the associated fiber connectivity to local data centers and regional cloud solutions. For these use cases, IoT devices and sensors are needed both within the landscape (in the road and in the soil to measure physical conditions) and on the mobile objects (throughout cars – the car itself can be considered as a mobile edge data center – and on autonomous farm machinery or watering/fertilization systems, for example).

From this point, the masses of data that are generated by the given use case need to be intelligently sorted into, among other things: data that needs to be processed locally with extremely low latency to enable rapid response times; data that can be sent to the cloud for processing if the response times are less critical; data that needs to be accessed by specific actors (but not others) in the value chain: and data that will be stored long-term versus data that will be discarded. The list goes on…

The complexity of this demands intelligent management of the data streams

Edge interconnection – the next generation interconnection

DE-CIX is working on developing a solution based on consideration of this triangle. Software-defined Internet Exchanges may well be one of the solutions not only to serve these needs efficiently and fast, but also to enable fast and cost-efficient expansion of the interconnection industry with less dependency on hardware. SD will also both bring more dynamism and encourage greater productivity.

IoT is the edge, AI is in the edge, and 5G serves the edge: The software-defined exchange provides the solution to the forthcoming digitalization challenge – namely, the ability to operate and manage the data streams of the future.

– by Ivo A. Ivanov, CEO, DE-CIX International 

10 reasons to peer: 4. Peering increases throughput to other networks

Peering gives you greater control over routing, resulting in improved network performance and happy end users. In this fourth article in the “reasons to peer” series, we explain how this works.

When data is transported via public transit carriers, the data flows via a private network interconnect (PNI) between the involved carriers. PNIs mean cost, work, maintenance, and organization between those carriers, and upgrades of PNIs between large carriers do not always happen in time. Running your traffic over saturated PNIs can nevertheless work for a while, even without a noticeable latency or loss of quality – depending on the case.

But using a saturated PNI does have an effect on the end-user experience. If your users are streaming video or online gaming, it can result in many buffering interruptions and not very happy users.

Ensured bandwidth

With peering, you are in control of your points of interconnection where both you and the Internet Exchange you are connected to ensure enough port bandwidth. If you have enough peering bandwidth, your users have almost unlimited possible throughput to the other networks. For Internet Service Providers (ISPs), for example, the limit in this case is just the service the user bought from you, and not the overcrowded PNI traps of Tier 1 or Tier 2 carriers you are using.
You can read the previous articles in the Reasons To Peer series below :

With high traffic comes great responsibility; How an internet exchange operator successfully manages continuously growing data traffic

At the latest since the spread of the global Covid-19 pandemic, people have become more and more dependent on digital services and have come to rely on them, in both their private and professional lives. Digitalisation is picking up speed faster than expected. On the front lines of accelerated digitalisation, internet exchanges, as part of the critical internet infrastructure, face the challenge of a fast, secure and smooth interconnection of thousands of networks.

Coronavirus pandemic as a driver of digitalisation

The past year was quite extraordinary for everyone. Never before, as companies, the entire economy and even private individuals, have we been exposed to a truly global pandemic. The fact that the pandemic is a driver of digitalisation became apparent early on. In 2020, India enjoyed a strong rise in Internet usage, which hit the peaks when recorded at internet exchanges. Data traffic indicated increases in all areas, especially in the home working environment through collaboration tools such as Teams, VPN use or video conferencing as well as entertainment options such as online and cloud gaming and streaming.

Now, the virus, with its consequences of a changed culture of work and leisure, is not the only component causing data traffic to skyrocket. Growth in streaming services and cloud computing, mobile internet, and real time communication has been ongoing and accelerating for years now. Innovations and advancing automation of technologies such as 5G, Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence along with day to day events also play a decisive role, as do seasonal influences. Seasonally, in most years the internet experiences a slow down during the summer months  but not in the extraordinary year of 2020. In fact, at DE-CIX Mumbai, total customer bandwidth grew by 75 per cent as a result of both new customers and existing customers ordering upgrades. This brought the total connected customer bandwidth to close to 3000 Gigabits, or three Terabits, customers of the exchange grew by 53 per cent to 280 and there was an increase of 67 per cent in the number of 100GE ports sold, reflecting customer needs for greater bandwidths. This is evidence to the fact that during the Covid-19 pandemic, growth in the use of digital applications and Internet services continued unabated.

Increased demand: Interconnection available at any time

Data traffic is growing and demand for bandwidth is increasing. Managing this ongoing transformation in a way that guarantees a seamless user experience is crucial for both private or business purposes. Internet exchanges are well equipped to meet these challenges; On the one hand, they can immediately upgrade existing customers’ connections, for example, by upgrading a 10 Gigabit Ethernet (GE) port to a 100GE port. Also, new networks that want to benefit from the advantages of peering, that is a direct connection to and between different networks via an internet exchange can be quickly connected. As a result of the direct connection, data packets reach their destination directly and as quickly as possible, as well as securely, cost effectively and without packet loss.

Cloud connectivity is particularly in demand to enable dedicated access by enterprises to cloud service providers. Ever increasing data volumes and increasingly critical business applications mean that dedicated connections are becoming more and more important. To constantly meet all of these needs, sufficient capacities must be planned. In this way, internet exchanges can ensure fully comprehensive interconnection worldwide at all times. Strategic and proactive plans that ensure sufficient capacities are always available, making certain that these needs are permanently met and that there is full coverage at all times. As soon as the utilisation of the connected bandwidth by networks at internet exchanges reaches 63 per cent, it is common practice that it gets upgraded. This process allows it to ensure full coverage at all times.

High data traffic means growing responsibility

With high traffic comes great responsibility. Due to accelerated digitalisation and the increased demand for interconnection, peering, cloud connectivity and the like, an internet exchange must be continuously prepared for the needs arising from increases in data traffic, not only by connecting new customers every day but also by always providing sufficient capacity for further growth. It is also necessary to look beyond the horizon; Digital technology will continue to evolve rapidly, and only by constantly monitoring developments and planning extensively in advance is it possible to live up to responsibilities encompassing partners and customers, to the end users, and also to the environment.

By Sudhir Kunder, Country Director, DE-CIX India

BGP Route Server Hijacking in a Nutshell

BGP hijacking (sometimes referred to as prefix hijacking, route hijacking or IP hijacking) is the illegitimate takeover of groups of IP addresses by corrupting Internet routing tables maintained using the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). In simpler terms, BGP route server hijacking is when attackers maliciously reroute Internet traffic. BGP is used by networkers to exchange reliable information. Any network that is connected to the Internet ultimately relies on BGP to reach other networks. BGP provides directions so that traffic travels from one IP address to another as efficiently as possible. If BGP was not available, traffic would take a huge amount of time to reach its destination or would not reach at all due to inefficient routing.


To exchange information, each router builds a router table and decides to send a packet of data through the shortest route. During the hijack, internet backbone routers redirect traffic not to the intended one but to a different network controlled by the attackers. Such attacks often take place when an attacker wants to gain access to data stored in the targeted network or to take over user accounts hosted on the affected network. BGP Hijacking is not always easy to detect or obvious. As a result of BGP Hijacking, users might face increased latency due to the traffic taking a long route unnecessarily and be redirected to fake websites in order to steal credentials. Spammers use this technique for spamming purposes.

BGP hijacking in the real world:

BGP-related exploitation and the subsequent traffic disturbance often carry significant real-world problems, including Denial of Service (DoS) events. There have been several incidents taking place in recent, BGP Hijack occurred on 12th November 2018 when a Google lost control of several million of its IP addresses for more than an hour where its search and other services were unavailable to many users and also caused problems to music streaming Spotify and other Google cloud customers. While Google denied malicious hijacking attempts, the traffic was misdirected to Chinese and Russian ISPs. Probably the most famous happened in April 2017, involving several financial institutions, most notably Visa and MasterCard. Also, cryptocurrencies have been a target for IP hijacking, in specific, Bitcoin.

BGP Hijacking is generally overlooked in comparison to DDoS attacks but several recent events have turned this unusual method into headlines. This hijacking carries a serious threat to the public Internet especially in the Internet of Things era where more and more devices are getting connected to the Internet each day. The Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) and BGPsec are quick fix to these problems. RPKI allows network operators to define who is allowed to announce prefixes and verify whether an Autonomous System (AS); is authorized to announce a specific prefix. The BGPsec protocol addresses this problem ensuring that the entire path from the origin AS to the destination is valid.

A wide range of threats exists that can adversely impact the effectiveness of the BGP routing protocolSome threats are malicious in nature, while others may arise from misconfigurations. In either case, trusting the BGP process is critical. Many features and techniques are available to network administrators to reduce the effects of these threats. By BGP configurations, administrators can increase the resilience of the BGP process and improve the reliability of their networks’ data plane.

BGP OR IP hijacking is when an attacker illegally takes over a group of IP addresses that they do not own or control and corrupt them by rerouting the direction of Internet traffic that results in low latency and loss of important credentials in some cases.


पीयरिंग डीबी क्या है? नेटवर्क को इसका उपयोग क्यों करना चाहिए?

पीयरिंग, पॅब्लिक या प्राइवेट पीयरिंग की तलाश करने वाला कोई भी नेटवर्क पीयरिंग डीबी में आ सकता है। इस ब्लॉग में, हम आपको बताएंगे कि पीयरिंग डीबी क्या है?

आपके पास ठीक से अपडेटेड पीयरिंग डीबी एंट्री क्यों होनी चाहिए और इसे कैसे प्राप्त करें? यह मेरे नेटवर्क या संगठन के लिए कैसे उपयोगी होगा?

पीयरिंग डीबी क्या है?

पीरिंग डीबी के अनुसार “पीयरिंग डीबी एक स्वतंत्र रूप से उपलब्ध, उपयोगकर्ता-अनुरक्षित, नेटवर्क का डेटाबेस, और इंटरकनेक्शन डेटा के लिए स्थान पर जाना है। पीरिंग डीबी डेटाबेस इंटरनेट एक्सचेंज पॉइंट्स (IXP), डेटा सेंटर और अन्य इंटरकनेक्शन सुविधाओं में नेटवर्क के वैश्विक इंटरकनेक्शन की सुविधा प्रदान करता है, और इंटरकनेक्शन निर्णय लेने में पहला कदम है”


पीरिंग डीबी की शुरुआत कैसे हुई?

पीरिंग डीबी को व्यापक रूप से पीरिंग तथा इंटरकनेक्शन निर्णय लेने के लिए डिफ़ॉल्ट सार्वजनिक डेटाबेस स्वीकार किया जाता है। 2004 में रिचर्ड स्टीनबर्गेन द्वारा बनाया गया। पहले के इंटरनेट एक्सचेंज पॉइंट्स (IXP’s) या प्राइवेट पीयरिंग सुविधाएं (Colocation सुविधाएं) अपने पीयरिंग पार्टनर्स की सूची बनाए रखने के लिए उपयोग करते हैं। आज पीयरिंग डीबी न केवल एक सार्वजनिक डेटाबेस है, बल्कि पीयरिंग विश्व में नवीनतम घटनाओं पर जानकारी एकत्र करने का एक उपकरण भी है।

कब मुझे एक पीरिंग डीबी एंट्री बनानी चाहिए?

जब नेटवर्क किसी भी इंटरनेट एक्सचेंज प्वाइंट या निजी सुविधा में पीरिंग आरंभ करने की योजना बना रहे हैं, तो उन्हें ज्यादातर अपनी उपस्थिति IX या डेटा सेंटर दिखाने के लिए कहा जाता है। इसलिए किसी भी अन्य साथियों के लिए यह समझना आसान हो जाता है कि आप कहां उपलब्ध हैं और पीयरिंग डीबी एंट्री एक प्रथम पड़ाव के रूप में कार्य करती है जब यह निर्णय लिया जाता है कि कहाँ और किसके साथ पीअर करना है। खाता प्रकृति में केवल पढ़ने-पढ़ने या लिखने के लिए हो सकता है। एक खाता बनाते समय, आपके आधिकारिक ईमेल पते या ईमेल पते का उपयोग करने की सिफारिश की जाती है, जो संसाधन आवंटित करने के लिए रजिस्ट्री में उपयोग किया जाता है। उपयोगकर्ताओं को आम तौर पर इन विवरणों को सार्वजनिक करने के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया जाता है।

पीयरिंग डीबी खाता बनाने की विधि।

1. www.peeringdb.com पर नेविगेट करें और एक उपयोगकर्ता खाता पंजीकृत करें।

2. अपने ईमेल पर प्राप्त लिंक पर क्लिक करके अपने ईमेल पते की पुष्टि करें।

3. अपने ए.स.एन और संगठन के नाम के साथ कनेक्टेड नेटवर्क की सूची बनाएं। यदि पहले से मौजूद है, तो अन्य नेटवर्क के साथ एक कनेक्शन बनाएं जिसकी आपको आवश्यकता है।

4. उल्लिखित संगठन के साथ कनेक्शन को मंजूरी देने के लिए पीयरिंग डीबी की प्रतीक्षा करें।

5. कनेक्टेड संगठन पृष्ठ पर जाएं और जानकारी संपादित करें। यदि आपका नेटवर्क पहले से ही जोड़ा गया है, तो पॅब्लिक या प्राइवेट पीयरिंग एक्सचेंज सुविधाएं अपडेट करें।

6. अपडेट की गई जानकारी को सेव करें और पीयरिंग डीबी पर सूचीबद्ध करें।

DE-CIX इंडिया को यह कहते हुए गर्व होता है कि हम पीयरिंग डीबी के लिए प्लेटिनम प्रायोजक हैं

यदि आप पीयरिंग डीबी प्रविष्टियों को अपडेट करते समय किसी भी समस्या का सामना कर रहे हैं, तो कृपया हमें marketing@de-cix.in पर एक ईमेल करें।

DE-CIX इंडिया इंटरनेट एक्सचेंज सेवाएँ के बारे में अधिक जानने के लिए यहां जाएं। उपलब्ध डाटासेंटर और IX स्थानों पर अधिक जानने के लिए यहां जाएं

All you need to know about VNO Licensing

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Virtual Network Operator (VNO) or Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) is an internet service reseller and provides management services because they do not own telecommunication infrastructure. VNO’s are categorized as virtual networks because they do not possess actual network while offering these network services to their customers. VNO networks often lease bandwidth from various telecom providers at wholesale rates in order to provide solutions to their customers. The VNO business took place in India on 24th July, 2018 by Plintron, Adpay and BSNL.

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Difference between VNO License and ISP License:difference between vno & isp.JPG (628×194)

How to acquire a VNO license?

  • Check Eligibility: One has to register their company under the Companies Act, 1956. Preference is given to Pvt. Ltd. Companies over sole proprietorship/partnership companies.
  • VNO License Category: There are 3 categories of VNO licenses. VNO license is cheapest for Class C.
    •  A ISP (PAN India)
    •  ISP(Telecom Circle/Metro Area)
    • C ISP(Secondary Switching Area)

Budget and Cost Analysis: To augment internet services, the government kept the prices extremely low for category C in comparison to class A and B

  • Application Filling: A company is required to fill an application form and pay a non-refundable amount of Rs.15000 with all the mandatory documents and 2 copies of the application form and dispatch it at the New Delhi Headquarter of DOT.
  • Document Verification/Review: Document verification is conducted by DOT which may take around 60 days. If approved, the company with receive ‘Letter of Intent’. And if the documents does not make it to the point, the chances are the application will get rejected.
  • Letter of Intent: DOT issues a Letter of Intent after document verification. The company is required to submit a non- refundable one-time entry fee, the signed license agreement and other requisite documents mentioned in the letter within the time mentioned in it.
  • Confirmation: After all the process, the company will be issued a VNO license for ISP under the Unified License for a period of 10 years. The information related to confirmation of license issue will be communicated directly to you via DOT.

As the ubiquitous networks are advancing each day, the field of telecommunication provider has also changed. However, this new category of service provider (VNOs) is efficient enough of creating a customer’s choice and market place where many networks can enjoy under a single infrastructure. The VNO model has created a revolution in the telecom industry.

You can apply for VNO License here

Guide to OTT platforms in India

OTT stands for “over-the-top,” the phrase is used for the distribution of film and TV content via the Internet, without requiring users to subscribe to a traditional cable or satellite pay TV. It is commonly applied to video-on-demand platforms, but also refers to audio streaming, messaging services, or internet-based voice calling solutions. OTT can be bifurcated into three types.

  • OTT Television: Apple TV, Amazon Fire Stick, Xbox, Playstation.
  • OTT Video: Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hotstar, etc.
  • OTT Messaging: WhatsApp, Facebook messenger and many more.
  • OTT Voice Calling: Skype, WhatsApp, WeChat, etc.

The following image is based according to Counterpoint Research’s India OTT Video Content Market Consumer Survey which was conducted in the month of June, 2019.

Telecom Companies like Airtel and Vodafone are advertising about Amazon & Netflix free membership by subscribing to their postpaid plan, whereas JioTV advertises about movies and LiveTV. With the increasing hyper-competition in the telecom space, the players are forced to roll out different and unique plans to retain customers and their loyalty. Indian OTT market has about 25 players. Telecoms are offering different models in order to cater to the different needs for varied audience. Some provide regional content with devotional content for preferred audience, Live TV services and more. Reliance Jio TV has over 550 live TV channels, helping them increase their 4G subscriber base. Airtel TV app offer 300 LIVE TV channels, including 29 HD channels offering 6000 plus movies and regional shows.

In a recent survey, it is said that 89% of users include from the age group of 16-35 years.  Substantial consumer group of salaried employees, followed by students, business owners, housewives, and others, the study added. Despite Indians are warming up to the idea of paying for content, the market continues to be driven by advertisements – which ask users to subscribe – are driving revenues for platform owners.

Major OTT Players in India:

  • Zee5 is an Indian video on demand website run by Essel Group via its subdivision Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited. This platform provides content to its audience in 12 major Indian languages. The platform has an overall 76.4 million worldwide viewers.
  • Alt Balaji is associated with Balaji which has a wide range of genres consisting Balaji films and web series for its 27.3 million subscribers.
  • Eros Now is an Indian subscription based over the top, video on-demand Indian & South Asian entertainment and media platform. The platform has more than 12,000 digital titles that include movies, television shows, music videos and 2.5 lakhs music tracks. It has a subscriber count of 128 million recorded users and 30 million paid subscribers worldwide.
  • YuppTV is an over-the-top content provider for South Asian content. This platform includes live television and films. It allows consumers to view content on up to six screens of connected TVs, STBs, PC, smartphones, tablets and game consoles. This OTT has 100 thousand subscribers and the number is growing.
  • The Viral Fever (TVF) is an online YouTube channel established by TVF Media Labs. It is one of the early arrivals on the Indian digital entertainment segment with videos covering a range of topics on Indian politics, movies, lifestyle, and emerging social concepts. The platform has over 6.4 million subscribers.
  • Walt Disney launched ad-free video streaming service Disney+ in the United States and the company may not begin the services in India, but alternately route the original content to Indian audiences through Hotstar.

Fun Facts about OTT in India:

  • There are 432 million Internet users in India; growing at a rate of 4-8%
  • 35% of growth is seen year-over-year in the number of India’s OTT video viewers.
  • There are 2.5 times more vernacular users compared to the English Internet user base.
  • Rs 5595 crore is the projected revenue to be collected from OTT video in India by 2022.

